Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in D:\server\htdocs\weerstation\weather28\wsDataGet.php on line 223

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in D:\server\htdocs\weerstation\weather28\wsIconUrl.php on line 140

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in D:\server\htdocs\weerstation\weather28\wsIconUrl.php on line 141
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U vindt ons ook hier:

Het Weer Aktueel

Weather Underground

My console

forecast image moon image 01:10 => 02:54 07-01-2023
2,4 km/h
TEMP OUT -5,4 °C HUM OUT 84 % BAROMETER 1026,0 hPa
TEMP IN 16,2 °C HUM IN 68,0 % FEELS -5 °C
DAILY RAIN 0,0 mm RAIN RATE 0,0 mm/h
Data will be reloaded in         
Data will be reloaded in     
24 x 1hr TEMP Hi 4.6 Lo -5.5

Apparatuur in gebruik:

La crosse ws2310

Weather Display


La crosse ws2310

Weather Display
